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Fereshte Ghahari Kermani ()

Fereshte Ghahari is a UMD Postdoctoral Researcher in the Nanoscale Processes and Measurements Group. She received a B.S. in Physics from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran, an M.S. in Physics from Sharif University of Technology, Iran and a Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia University in the city of New York. Her doctoral research focused on the investigation of interaction effects on electric and thermoelectric transport in graphene. Fereshte is working with Nikolai Zhitenev and Joseph Stroscio developing new low temperature STM techniques for measurement of graphene and other 2D materials.

Selected Publications

  • Observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene, K.I. Bolotin, F. Ghahari, M.D. Shulman, H.L. Stormer, P. Kim, Nature 462, 196-199 (2009).
  • Measurement of the ν = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall energy gap in suspended graphene, F. Ghahari, Y. Zhao, P. Cadden-Zimansky, K. Bolotin, P. Kim, Physical Review Letters 106, 046801 (2011).
  • Hofstadter’s butterfly in moire superlattices: A fractal quantum Hall effect, C. R. Dean, L. Wang, P. Maher, C. Forsythe, F. Ghahari, Y. Gao, J. Katoch, M. Ishigami, P. Moon, M. Koshino, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K.L. Shepard, J. Hone, and P. Kim, Nature, 497, 598-602 (2013).


A quantum ruler for orbital magnetism in moiré quantum matter

Marlou Slot, Yulia Maximenko, Paul M. Haney, Sungmin Kim, Daniel Walkup, Evgheni Strelcov, En-Min Shih, Dilek Yildiz, Steven R. Blankenship, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yafis Barlas, Nikolai Zhitenev, Fereshte Ghahari Kermani, Joseph A. Stroscio
Topological properties that underlie the rich emergent phases of moiré quantum matter (MQM) result from the eigenstate geometry of the moiré Hamiltonian. The

Achieving µeV tunneling resolution in an in-operando scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and magnetotransport system for quantum materials research

Johannes Schwenk, Sungmin Kim, Julian Berwanger, Fereshte Ghahari Kermani, Daniel T. Walkup, Marlou R. Slot, Son T. Le, W. G. Cullen, Steven R. Blankenship, Sasa Vranjkovic, Hans Hug, Young Kuk, Franz Giessibl, Joseph A. Stroscio
Research in new quantum materials require multi-mode measurements spanning length scales, correlations of atomic scale variables with macroscopic function, and

Interaction-driven quantum Hall wedding cake-like structures in graphene quantum dots

Christopher Gutierrez, Daniel T. Walkup, Fereshte Ghahari Kermani, Cyprian Lewandowski, Joaquin R. Nieva, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Leonid Levitov, Nikolai Zhitenev, Joseph A. Stroscio
Interactions amongst relativistic particles underpin exotic behaviours in diverse systems ranging from quark-gluon plasmas to Dirac electron fluids in solids

An On/Off Berry Phase Switching with Circular Graphene Resonators

Fereshte Ghahari Kermani, Daniel T. Walkup, Christopher Gutierrez, Joaquin R. Nieva, Yue Y. Zhao, Jonathan E. Wyrick, Donat F. Natterer, William G. Cullen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Leonid Levitov, Nikolai B. Zhitenev, Joseph A. Stroscio
Berry phase is an example of anholonomy, where the phase of a quantum state may not return to its original value after its parameters cycle around a closed path
Created September 18, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022