Biotechnology | Chemistry | Biometrics | Digital Evidence | Fire Investigation
Standard Reference Databases are useful to the forensic community.
Some of the databases are freely available online, others require a purchasing fee, and others must be purchased through a distributor.
The NIST Standard Reference Databases can be found at NIST Scientific and Technical Databases or by selecting the database names below.
The database link may be followed by a code. These codes are as follows:
- PC indicates a PC product (most available for purchase, some are free)
- DG indicates inclusion in the NIST Data Gateway - a portal providing access to many NIST scientific and technical databases. The gateway is searchable by keyword, property, or substance name.
- Online indicates a free online system.
Technical Contacts:
susan.ballou [at] (Susan Ballou)

- Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database, Online, DG
- HIV Protease Database, Online
- Human Mitochondrial Protein Database, Online
- MitoAnalyze, free download
- PDB: The Protein Data Bank, Online, DG
- Protein Data Bank, current release, PC, DG
- Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet Database, Online, DG
- Thermodynamics of Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions, Online, DG

- Atomic Spectral Database, Online, DG
- Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions, Online
- ChemRate, free download CKMech, Online, DG
- Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark Database, Online
- Database of Thermophysical Properties of Gases Used in the Semiconductor Industry, Online, DG
- Desktop Spectrum Analyzer and X-Ray Database, free to download
- Diatomic Spectral Database, Online, DG
- Elemental Data Index, Online
- Fundamental Physical Constants, Online, DG
- Hydrocarbon Spectral Database, Online, DG
- Lispix Program
- NIST Chemistry WebBook, Online, DG
- NIST Crystal Data, PC
- NIST Database for the Isotopic Composition of Selected Atmospheric Constituents, Online, DG
- NIST Gas-Phase Infrared Database, JCAMP Format, PC, DG
- NIST Interactive Algorithm for Isotopic CO2 Measurements, Online
- NIST ITS-90 Thermocouple Database, Online, DG
- NIST Quantitative Infrared Database, PC, DG
- NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database, Online, PC, DG
- NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library, NIST '02, ASCII Version PC, DG
- NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library: NIST '02, PC, DG
- NIST/Sandia/ICDD Electron Diffraction Database, PC, DG

- Facial Recognition Technology Database (FERET), PC
- NIST 8-Bit Gray Scale Images of Fingerprint Image Groups, PC, DG
- NIST Digital Video Disk 1, PC, DG
- NIST Dual Resolution Images from Paird Fingerprint Cards, PC, DG
- NIST Fingerprint Minutiae from Latent Matching Tenprint Images, PC, DG
- NIST Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs, PC, DG
- NIST Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs II, PC, DG
- NIST Mugshot Identification Database, PC, DG
- NIST Plain and Rolled Images from Paired Fingerprint Cards, PC, DG
- NIST Supplemental Fingerprint Card Data, PC, DG
Digital Evidence (Law Enforcement)

- Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) Project Web Site
- NIST National Software Reference Library (NSRL), PC
Fire Investigation

- Fire Modeling Programs - fire modeling programs for download
- Fire on the Web -fire related software and experimental data
- Fire Research Information Services, Online
- NIST FASTData Fire Test Database, PC, DG