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Name | Subdiscipline | Maintained By | Overview & Contents | Access & Fees | Collection Methods | Evidence Type | POC |
Armed Forces Repository of Specimen Samples for the Identification of Remains (AFRSSIR) | DNA | Armed Forces Medical Examiner System - Armed Forces DNA Identification Lab (AFDIL) | A collection of DNA reference samples. Reference samples may be used to identify remains. There are regulations that require all members of the military to have samples on file here. Samples are also collected from civilian government employees and civilian contractors in hostile foreign environments. | Data can be queried by sending a roster of requested samples to AFDIL. | Digital records. | Call: 301.319.0366 index.cfm?pageid= afdil.afrssir.overview | |
Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) | Latent Prints | DHS - Department of Homeland Security | Department of Homeland Security-wide system for the storage and processing of biometric and limited biographic information for DHS national security, law enforcement, immigration, intelligence, and other DHS mission-related functions. Over 100 million records including biometric data (including but not limited to fingerprints and photographs), biographical data (name, date of birth, nationality, and other personal descriptive data) is stored. Also encounter data providing context of the interaction with an individual (location, document numbers, and/or reason for data collection) is stored. | A variety of technologies interface with the data repository. Database is for internal DHS use or for federal, state, local, tribal, foreign or international government agencies charged with DHS mission-related functions. Users wishing to access must prepare a PIA which describes the specifics of the information sharing request. | Contributed by DHS programs such as ICE, CBP, USCIS, TSA, and USCG and Non-DHS entities including DoS, DoJ, FBI, and DoD. | Digital records. | US-VISIT Department of Homeland Security 202-298-5200 |
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) | DNA | Participating institutions at Local, State, and National Level. FBI maintains NDIS records at the National level. | CODIS is the generic term used to describe the FBI's program of support for criminal justice DNA databases as well as the software used to run these databases. CODIS supports a "leveled" architecture: National DNA Index System (NDIS) at the national level, State DNA Index System (SDIS) at the state level, and Local DNA Index System (LDIS) at the local level. All DNA profiles originate at the local level (LDIS), then flow to SDIS and then NDIS. CODIS contains approximately 10 million offender profiles and 400,000 forensic profiles.Profiles entered into CODIS are indexed in the following categories:- Convicted Offenders- Arrestees (if state law permits collection of arrestee samples)- Forensic (DNA profiles developed from crime scene evidence, usually semen or blood)- Missing Persons- Biological Relatives of Missing Persons- Unidentified Human (Remains)Nuclear DNA: CODIS allows for the entry of 13 core STR loci into indexes based on specimen categories.Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): CODIS allows for the entry of mtDNA in missing persons related indexes. Y STR is also considered for missing persons cases. | Law enforcement agencies submit a DNA profile to CODIS for analysis. This analysis returns possible DNA matches, along with the identifying information of the agency that submitted the sample. The original law enforcement agency then works with the submitting agency to confirm the match and identify the suspect. This is an important step as suspect's identifying information is not held in CODIS software. The "leveled" architecture of CODIS allows laboratories to decide with whom it shares its data. No cost, but participating law enforcement agencies enter into a collaborative agreement with other agencies at the specified level. | Participating law enforcement agencies enter DNA profiles into CODIS. The level a particular profile is shared at is determined by the submitting agency. | Computer system with digital DNA profile records. | FBI Contacts: CODIS Unit 703-632-8315 Nuclear DNA Unit 703-632-8446 Mitochondrial DNA Unit 703-632-7572 Federal DNA Database Unit 703-632-7529 |
DoD Automated Biometrics Identification System (DoD ABIS) | Latent Prints | Biometrics Task Force, US Army | Database holds primarily fingerprints, may capture some other biometrics. DoD ABIS used to be the central biometric data repository for the Department of Defense. It served as a prototype and is now a backup for Next-Generation ABIS. Contains millions of records. Records are primarily fingerprint data, though some other biometrics are captured as well. | A variety of technologies interface with the data repository. Access is for DoD-related purposes only. | Digital records. | (703) 607-5000 or hd [at] (hd[at]biometrics[dot]mil) | |
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) | Latent Prints | Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division | IAFIS is the FBI's integrated version of AFIS systems (other agencies may have their own AFIS system). It one of the world's largest biometric databases, holding electronic copies of "ten print" fingerprint records, palm prints, and photos. Recently they have also accepted single print records. Around 70 million records including "ten print" fingerprint records, palm prints, single prints, and photos. Contains records from criminal and, more recently, civil records (background checks, etc.). | First one must contact FBI and apply for an ORI number. Once that is done, latent prints can be scanned using ULW or a similar commercially-purchased system (AFIS for example) Once the print has been scanned the record is sent to the FBI, where it is compared against IAFIS, and a candidate list (on the order of about 10 possible matches) is returned to submitting agency. The agency then continues the investigation and requests more information (10 print records, photos, etc.) on promising candidate matches. Free; cost of scanning system is separate. | Records are voluntarily submitted to the FBI by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Most records are submitted are digital, however 3-4% are physical submissions that are converted into digital copies. | Digital records. Physical submissions are not kept. | Lisa A. Miller Federal Bureau of Investigations 304.625.5334 lisa.a.miller [at] (lisa.a.miller@ ORI Number Contact: Michelle Hiner 304.625.4541 Michelle.Hiner [at] (Michelle.Hiner@ |
Next Generation Identification System (NGI) | Latent Prints | Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division | The NGI system is an incremental replacement for IAFIS and will offer state-of-the-art biometric identification services and compile core capabilities that will serve as the platform for multimodal functionality. NGI is being launched in six increments; two have already been launched and the third is in the process as of September 2011. Elements contained in the new multimodal functionality include:- Advanced Fingerprint Identification Technology (AFIT): an enhancement on current fingerprint and latent processing services.- National Palm Print System (NPPS): a centralized repository for palm print data.- Enhanced IAFIS Repository (EIR): to allow compatibility between existing civil and criminal biometric repositories, as well as new repositories, by providing single identity management.- Rap Back Service: to provide authorized users the capability to receive notification of criminal and, in limited cases, civil activity of enrolled individuals that occurs after the initial processing and retention of criminal or civil fingerprint transactions.- Iris Recognition (IR): a pilot program utilizing iris recognition technology for identification.- Disposition Reporting Improvements (DRI): a capability to enable more efficient updates and provide a more complete criminal history repository.- Interstate Photo System (IPS): provides a search of a limited population of criminal mug shots using a submitted probe image; includes facial recognition capabilities (pilot), and scars/marks/tattoos text-based search. | Law enforcement agencies can contact the FBI's Implementation and Transition Unit at CJIS for more information regarding migrating their current biometric systems to NGI. Agencies won't have to replace their current systems to use NGI, but will need to upgrade them to ensure Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS) compliance. The FBI will advise on the migration process and is setting up NGI for users, however they do not assist with software and hardware costs. NGI is for law enforcement and criminal justice institutions. | Records are submitted by participating law enforcement agencies and the FBI. | Digital records; physical records are being phased out. | Dale Smith Federal Bureau of Investigations, NGI Program Office 304.625.4826 Dale.smith [at] (Dale.smith@ |
Next-Generation Automated Biometrics | Latent Prints | Biometrics Task Force, US Army | Central, authoritative, multi-modal biometric data repository for the Department of Defense. The system operates and enhances associated search and retrieval services and interfaces with existing DoD and interagency biometrics systems. The repository interfaces with collection systems, intelligence systems and other deployed biometric repositories across the federal government. Can link with IAFIS. A replacement for DoD ABIS. Contains several million records of biometric information including fingerprint, palm, iris, and facial photographs. | A variety of technologies interface with the data repository. Access is for DoD-related purposes only. | Records are pulled from existing databases holding similar information, or are created using the Biometrics Automated Toolset (BAT). BAT is a tactical, multi-modal biometric system that fuses biometric and biographical information on persons of DoD interest. | Digital records. | (703) 607-5000 or hd [at] (hd[at]biometrics[dot]mil) |
Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) | Latent Prints | Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, Biometric Services Section (BSS) | A free online AFIS competitor put out by the FBI intended for state/local LEAs to interact with IAFIS. The ULW is not a database, but a software allowing interaction with the information in IAFIS. The contents of IAFIS include approximately 70 million records including "ten print" fingerprint records, palm prints, single prints, and photos. IAFIS contains records from criminal and, more recently, civil records (background checks, etc.). | Once connectivity is established, a user can scan or import a latent image into the ULW software, encode the minutiae, and perform a search of the IAFIS. The ULW software can also be used to perform image searches of the IAFIS; when an image search is performed, encoding the minutiae is not required. Users must have authorized connectivity to the FBI in order to search latent prints and receive candidates from IAFIS. There is no cost to access. Authorized users may also use the ULW to perform searches of other automated fingerprint identification systems. Search parameters and requirements for connectivity to those systems vary. | Records in IAFIS have been voluntarily submitted to the FBI by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. | N/A | Connectivity: Latent connectivity is coordinated through the FBI CJIS Division BSS Customer Service Group. For connectivity requests, please contact: liaison [at] (liaison[at]leo[dot]gov). Questions regarding the ULW software may be directed to the FBI CJIS Division's Latent Investigative Services Program Office at ULW [at] (ULW[at]leo[dot]gov). Software: To download the latest version of the Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) software, go to Click on the 'LATENT PRINT SERVICES' tab along the left side, then Click the 'DOWNLOAD ULW SOFTWARE' usa-button to submit a download request. Once the request is approved, a link is sent via email to initiate the download. A digital versatile disc containing the ULW software is also available upon request. The ULW software application is provided without cost to authorized users using the software for an authorized purpose. |