On December 4th, 15 ITL staff members were honored for their exceptional accomplishments during the 2019 NIST Awards Ceremony.
The following ITL staff received awards:
Alden Dima, Computer Scientist
Gold Medal
Ramaswamy Chandramouli, Computer Scientist
Gold Medal
Ann Rickerds, Information Specialist
Bronze Medal
Oliver Borchert, Computer Scientist
William Haag Jr., Computer Scientist
Tim McBride, Supervisory IT Specialist (INFOSEC)
Douglas Montgomery, Supervisory Computer Scientist
Scott Rose, Computer Scientist
Murugiah Souppaya, Computer Scientist
Kotikalapudi Sriram, Electronics Engineer
Bronze Medal
Peter Mell,Computer Scientist
Dylan Yaga, Computer Scientist
Edward Uhler Condon Award
Stephen P. Jordan, Physicist
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
Donna Dodson, NIST Fellow
Presidential Rank Award
Charles Romine, ITL Director
Presidential Rank Award