In July 2022, NIST issued a Pre-Draft Call for Comments on the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) series of publications. The Pre-Draft Call for Comments requested feedback from interested parties to improve Special Publication (SP) 800-171, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Systems and Organizations, and its supporting publications, SP 800-171A, SP 800-172, and SP 800-172A. Topics of interest included feedback about the use, effectiveness, adequacy, and ongoing improvement of the CUI series.
A brief summary and analysis of responses to the pre-draft call for comments is now available. The summary includes observed trends in comments received, next steps for the planned update to the CUI Series, and opportunities to engage.
Please submit any questions or comments to 800-171comments [at] (800-171comments[at]list[dot]nist[dot]gov)