NIST is in the process of a periodic review and maintenance of its cryptography standards and guidelines.
This announcement initiates the review of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-4, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), 2015.
NIST requests public comments on all aspects of FIPS 180-4. Additionally, NIST would appreciate feedback on the following two areas of particular concern:
The public comment period is open through September 9, 2022. Comments may address the concerns raised in this announcement or other issues around security, implementation, clarity, risk, or relevance to current applications.
Send comments to cryptopubreviewboard [at] (subject: Comments%20on%20FIPS%20180-4) (cryptopubreviewboard[at]nist[dot]gov) with “Comments on FIPS 180-4” in the Subject.
For more information about the review process, visit the Crypto Publication Review Project page.