Those who missed presentations of forensic science standards development priorities at the first public meetings of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) earlier this month can now watch them online.
Each of the five OSAC Scientific Area Committees presented their priorities for forensic science standards and guidelines development Feb. 16-17, 2015, in the first OSAC public meetings held in Orlando, Fla., to coincide with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting.
Visit the OSAC meeting agenda page for full details about the two-day event. Viewers may also go directly to the OSAC public documents library online to watch archived videos and download PDF files of each subcommittee's priority recommendations.
OSAC committees and subcommittees are now moving forward to initiate work on the highest priority needs they have identified. To stay up to date with OSAC and other NIST forensic science news, go to and sign up to receive NIST forensic science news alerts.