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National Institute of Standards and Technology Presents 2013 Awards to Staff

GAITHERSBURG, Md.—The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recognized current and former employees in an awards ceremony Dec. 11, 2013, at its Gaithersburg campus. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and NIST Director Patrick Gallagher and other officials presented the awards.

Bronze Medal Award for Superior Federal Service

Forty-five employees received the highest honor presented by NIST. Since 1966, the award has been given for significant performance characterized by outstanding or significant contributions that have increased the efficiency and effectiveness of NIST.

Paul E. Black – "For leadership in the development of software assurance test methods and reference data."

James Fedchak – "For advances in vacuum measurement science and services that have reduced calibration costs and turnaround time, while improving service reliability."

Susan Heller-Zeisler – "For outstanding coordination of NIST's academic programs, particularly STEM pipeline development and engagement with under-represented populations."

Daniel Hughes – "For outstanding oversight and coordination of all operational activities associated with the facility outage during the NIST Center for Neutron Research expansion project."

Simon G. Kaplan – "For advancing the quality of weather and climate data by improving the accuracy of infrared measurements made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's environmental satellites."

Richard Kissel – "For increasing small and medium-sized business awareness of information security through NIST's information security outreach program."

Arno Laesecke – "For exemplary scientific leadership in fluid viscosity measurements, specifically of fuels and refrigerants, which are critical to industry."

Igor Levin – "For the development, application, and public delivery of new measurement methodology to determine atomic arrangements at the nanoscale."

Paul J. Liposky – "For his innovative design and management of the NIST reactor spent-fuel storage pool refurbishment project."

Ronaldo Minniti – "For helping ensure the safety of radiation workers and the public through designing and running a new radiation dosimetry calibration facility."

Juanita Morgan – "For developing a novel gold contact plating process, resolving a critical high-speed circuit measurement problem for industry."

Elaine M. Newton – "For sustained leadership in the preservation of the global voluntary consensus standards system for information and communications technologies."

Justin M. Shaw – "For development of metrology and fundamental understanding of the properties of magnetic nanostructures for new magnetic recording media and devices."

James Thompson – "For pioneering the development of an entirely new form of laser, vastly improving stability for a broad range of precision measurements and research."

Pavel Kabos and Thomas Mitchell Wallis – "For establishing standards and techniques to make traceable capacitance measurements with nanoscale resolution for scanning microwave microscopes."

Carlos R. Beauchamp and Gery R. Stafford – "For pioneering in-situ measurement and quantitative analysis of stresses arising in nanometer-scale thin films during electrodeposition in liquids."

Alec Belsky and Nancy S. Parrish – "For the design and implementation of policies and systems that improved NIST measurement services and the availability of standard reference materials."

Sandra Nail and Teresa Whiteside – "For exceptional leadership and service to NIST in obtaining and implementing a new permanent Direct Hire Authority."

Stephanie Hooker, Ward Johnson and Elisabeth Mansfield – "For extending thermogravimetric analysis to the microscale, enabling characterization of nanoparticles, their coatings and purity."

William Stuart Dols, Steven J. Emmerich and Brian Polidoro – "For developing software tools to support the design of natural ventilation systems that improve building energy efficiency and indoor air quality."

John Beltz, John Connor, Edgar Garay, Blair Heiserman, Stephen Plog, Matthew Pugh and Robert Allen Wilkinson Jr. – "For their exceptional effort with the implementation of security configuration standards and vulnerability monitoring of NIST applications, databases, computers and networks."

Neil Alderoty, Randle Angleberger, Timothy Day, Diane Holland, Amber Hunter, LaDonna Lauren, Scott Montgomery, Katie Schlatter, Julia Umberger and Terri Working – "For developing and successfully implementing a new methodology to calculate and collect the NIST funding necessary for institutional support costs."

Eugene Casson Crittenden Award

The Crittenden Award, established in 1967, recognizes superior achievement by permanent employees who perform supporting services that have a significant impact on technical programs beyond their own offices.

Norman F. Bergren – "For outstanding support of the Boulder Microfabrication Facility, enabling scientific advances across a breadth of world-leading NIST research."

Monica Claussen – "For her proactive approach in supporting the Program Development Office and the broader Manufacturing Extension Partnership mission."

Dale DeVoe – "For positively impacting NIST Boulder through her oversight of NIST personal property and other administrative functions."

Robert B. Higgs – "For superior dedication, performance, and customer service associated with energy conservation lighting upgrades and electrical renovation work."

Raymond Holiday – "For excellent customer service, strong work ethic, and innovative problem-solving in contributions to the overall success of the EMSS and NIST missions."

Jerome W. Long – "For providing exceptional custodial services to researchers and staff on the NIST Gaithersburg campus."

Alan Olson – "For providing outstanding customer service as the first point of contact at the Research Library's Information Desk."

Barbara Stolz – "For providing outstanding human resources services to NIST managers and staff."

Allen V. Astin Measurement Science Award

The Astin Award, first presented in 1984, is granted for outstanding achievement in the advancement of measurement science or in the delivery of measurement services.

Charles Majkrzak – "For international leadership in the development and application of neutron reflectivity methods for structural studies of thin films and interfaces."

Edward Uhler Condon Award

Charles W. Clark and Joseph Reader – "For their series of well-written articles with broad appeal, elucidating a remarkable year in both the history of physics and the history of the National Bureau of Standards."

Judson C. French Award

The French award, first presented in 2000, is granted for significant improvement in products delivered directly to industry, including new or improved NIST calibration services, Standard Reference Materials and Standard Reference Databases.

Roy W. Dorsey Jr., Tracy Hayat, Denise Prather, Nancy Selepak and Martin Wilson – "For leading an overhaul in the provision of NIST calibration services, providing a common face to customers, and streamlining processes."

Sally Bruce, Michal J. Chojnacky, Karen Garrity, Douglas Olson and Gregory F. Strouse – "For creating an internationally accepted National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program proficiency test program that enables U.S. industry to compete in the global marketplace."

Jacob Rabinow Applied Research Award

The Rabinow Award, first presented in 1975, is granted for outstanding achievements in the practical application of the results of scientific engineering research.

John H. Lehman – "For pioneering research in the field of carbon nanotubes, leading to the world's most versatile detectors for accurate optical power measurements."

Edward Bennett Rosa Award

The Rosa Award, established in 1964, is granted for outstanding achievement in or contributions to the development of meaningful and significant engineering, scientific or documentary standards either within NIST or in cooperation with other government agencies or private groups.

Nelson C. Bryner and Anthony D. Putorti – "For the development of an innovative radiant panel test standard to ensure the thermal performance of self-contained breathing apparatus lenses."

William P. Slichter Award

The Slichter Award, first presented in 1992, is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening ties between NIST and industry.

Marc Weiss – "For pioneering highly productive industry/government partnerships to advance telecommunications and data networks through precision synchronization."

Samuel Wesley Stratton Award

The Stratton Award, first presented in 1962, is granted for outstanding scientific or engineering achievements in support of NIST objectives.

Qingzhen Huang, Jeffrey W. Lynn and Taner Yildirim – "For elucidating the origins of high temperature superconductivity in iron-based superconductors."

George A. Uriano Award

The Uriano Award, first presented in 1996, is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening NIST extramural programs, with emphasis on fostering U.S. competitiveness and business excellence.

Baldrige Performance Excellence Program – "For implementation of a new business model to ensure the sustainability of the Baldrige Program and the continuation of benefits to the nation."

Kari Reidy and Michael J. Simpson – "For responding to President Obama's National Export Initiative Executive Order to create U.S jobs through the promotion of exports and effective use of federal resources."

NIST Colleagues' Choice Award

Established in 2006, the Colleagues' Choice Award is granted to non-supervisory employees who are recognized and nominated by their colleagues for having made significant contributions that broadly advance the NIST mission and strategic goals or broadly contribute to the overall health and effectiveness of NIST.

Alex Farrell – "For providing exceptional technical support to the many measurement scientists using the NIST Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility."

Ellen Garshick – "For her dedicated, proactive, and collaborative approaches in customer service and to the field of performance excellence and innovation."

David J. Vanderah – "For developing model lipid membranes to enable membrane protein metrologies, building internal and external partnerships, and advancing the careers of young scientists."

Brian A. Weiss – "For leadership and impact in collaborations with defense partners to develop procedures for evaluating tactical and support technologies."

Director's Award for Excellence in Administration

The Director's Award was first presented in 2008 and is granted to recognize administrative professionals who have made significant contributions that broadly advance the NIST mission and strategic goals through excellence in administrative services and functions.

Lori Buckland (deceased) – "For excellence in administration and support of NIST's Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), Text Analysis Conference, and TRECVID Video Retrieval Evaluation."

Elizabeth Kelch-Bush – "For significant contributions that broadly advance NIST's mission through excellence in administrative services and financial management."

Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Award

Frederick (Tim) Boland – "For excellence in promoting diversity and accessibility at NIST, and for dedication to removing barriers for all in information technology use."

Safety Award

The NIST Safety Award, first established in 1979, is granted to recognize NIST employees and organizations for substantial contributions to improving safety at NIST.

Alexandra Curtin, Timothy Drapela, Kavita Jeerage, John Moreland, John Nibarger, Trudi Peppler and Thomas Mitchell Wallis – "For pioneering new multidisciplinary and cross-organizational approaches to complex safety challenges in the new Precision Measurement Laboratory."

As a nonregulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

Released December 11, 2013, Updated February 3, 2025