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Public Comment Requested for Manufacturing Network's Suggested Metrics, IP Guidelines

Inside the Youngstown facility of America Makes (the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute) visitors will find additive manufacturing and 3D printing equipment along with examples of items being made with this technology.
Credit: Courtesy NAMII

The federal interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) has issued for public comment draft performance metrics and intellectual-property-management guidelines for President Obama's proposed National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI).

The draft metrics for the NNMI* are intended to be used in evaluating how effectively the network's planned Institutes for Manufacturing Innovation meet their performance objectives. Metrics are suggested in six performance areas: impact, industry value, education and workforce development, portfolio, financial, and network contribution.

The draft guidelines on intellectual-property rights** address the primary legal issues that the institutes will confront in managing inventions that result from institute-enabled work. It covers three levels of intellectual-property concerns: project-specific, institute rights, and government rights and interests. The draft guidelines are intended to provide flexibility to the institutes in designing their intellectual-property-management plans.

Finalized performance metrics and intellectual-property guidelines would apply to the NNMI and its institutes once the necessary legislation has been enacted.

Published in the Federal Register, the full request for public review and comment on the two draft publications is available at Due on Dec. 13, 2013, comments on each document should be submitted separately.

In his budget for fiscal year 2014, the President proposes creating a network of up to 15 regional Institutes for Manufacturing Innovation. Funded by a proposed one-time, $1 billion investment, the NNMI will focus on enabling public-private collaborations that close the gap between research and development and the deployment of technological innovations in domestic production, with the aim of spurring economic growth.

To jumpstart the network, existing funds from four federal agencies were used to launch in August 2012 a pilot institute: the National Additive Manufacturing Institute, headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio. Building off the success of the pilot, the President announced in May 2013 competitions to create three new innovation institutes. Still under way, the competitions will establish institutes focused on digital manufacturing and design, lightweight and modern metals manufacturing, and wide bandgap semiconductor power electronic devices.

Hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the AMNPO is composed of federal agencies with manufacturing-related missions.

Federal Register notice:
National Additive Manufacturing Institute:
DOD manufacturing institutes in the NNMI // link removed; no longer active
DOE manufacturing institutes in the NNMI // link removed; no longer active

*DRAFT Institute Performance Metrics for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation is available online (link removed; no longer active)

**DRAFT Guidelines on Intellectual Property Rights for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation is available online (link removed; no longer active)
Released November 14, 2013, Updated February 3, 2025