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One-Hundred Thirty-Nine Employees Receive Department of Commerce Gold and Silver Medals, NIST Departmental Bronze Medals and Other Awards

GAITHERSBURG, Md.--Employees of the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were honored in ceremonies held Dec. 1, 2010, at NIST's Gaithersburg, Md., campus. Assisted by other Institute officials, NIST Director Patrick Gallagher presided over the ceremony to present the NIST awards and to honor the Department of Commerce Gold and Silver medal recipients, who received their medals at a ceremony held in October in Washington, D.C.

Bronze Medal

Thirty-four employees received Bronze Medals, the highest honor presented by NIST. The award, initiated in 1966, recognizes work that has resulted in more effective and efficient management systems as well as the demonstration of unusual initiative or creative methods and procedures. It also is given for significant contributions affecting major programs, scientific accomplishment within the Institute, and superior performance of assigned tasks for at least five consecutive years.

Carelyn E. Campbell – "For leading NIST's Diffusion Workshop series and substantially influencing the Nation's use and understanding of materials kinetics data and research."

Peter O. Denno – "For exceptional technical leadership and contributions to a new digital system for tracking logistics information in global automotive supply chains."

Martin L. Green – "For the development of combinatorial methods to enable rapid measurement of critical electrical parameters of microelectronic devices."

Ulf Griesmann – "For the development and realization of an innovative method to measure the intrinsic form error of ultra-precision surfaces."

Kathleen D. Kilmer – "For sustained excellence in providing customer-focused, world-class conference and meeting support services reliably and at an affordable cost."

David F. Plusquellic – "For advancing the application of terahertz spectroscopy to the investigation of the structure and function of biological molecules."

Mary B. Satterfield – "For leadership, development and implementation of the NIST Summer Institute for Teachers, a highly successful and robust outreach program."

Angela R. Hight Walker – "For seminal contributions to the measurement of the optical and magnetic properties of novel synthetic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes."

David J. Woodend – "For developing software for critical NIST public-facing, web-enabled business applications to support standards and commerce."

Jonathan E. Guyer and James A. Warren – "For developing, disseminating and supporting the FiPy modeling platform, thereby enhancing computational materials science both at NIST and worldwide."

Ronald L. Jones and Wen-Li Wu – "For the development of small angle scattering methods for quantitative critical dimension measurements of nanoscale semiconductor devices."

John V. Messina and Eric D. Simmon – "For equipping U.S. industry with standards and tools to comply with evolving environmental regulations that threatened access to overseas markets."

Stephen B. Balakirsky, Joseph A. Falco and Frederick M. Proctor – "For exceptional achievement in developing and deploying a low-cost robotics simulation framework that catalyzes innovation in robot control."

Mary Bedner, Karen W. Phinney and Susan S. Tai – "For leadership and expertise in the development and implementation of improved vitamin D metrology."

Nancy J. Lin, Sheng Lin-Gibson and Carl G. Simon, Jr. – "For advancing combinatorial methods to accelerate the development of biomaterials and to enable systematic evaluation of cell-biomaterial interactions."

Patrick J. Grother, George W. Quinn, Wayne J. Salamon and Elham Tabassi – "For advancing identity verification, homeland security and law enforcement by developing, evaluating and standardizing iris image records in biometric systems."

Robert J. Densock, Eva A. Goldberg, Danny A. Lusk II, Edward A.P. Mai, Pradip M. Pandya and Cheri R. Smith – "For exceptional services in fulfilling the requirements of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 at NIST."

Eugene Casson Crittenden Award

Five employees received Eugene Casson Crittenden Awards. Established in 1967, the Crittenden Award recognizes superior achievement by permanent employees who perform supporting services that have a significant impact on technical programs beyond their own offices.

Talmadge D. Fossett, Jr. – "For invaluable contributions and technical expertise while performing sheet metal projects in the research laboratories and for office renovations on the NIST Gaithersburg campus."

Stanley C. Rice – "For superb craftsmanship in installing, modifying, repairing and maintaining specialized and utility piping systems around the NIST campus."

Sunisa Sesawaeng – "For exceptional custodial service benefitting the researchers and staff on the NIST Gaithersburg campus."

Joseph D. Vialpando – "For making a positive impact at the NIST Boulder site through his dedication and skill in grounds upkeep, snow removal, and heavy equipment operation."

Darren F. Williams – "For meeting expedited customer schedule requirements and ever changing technical requirements for Printing and Duplicating and Visual Arts products and services."

Allen V. Astin Award

One employee received the Allen V. Astin Award. First presented in 1984, the Astin Award is granted for outstanding achievement in the advancement of measurement science or in the delivery of measurement services.

Erich N. Grossman – "For establishing the world's first traceable source of terahertz power and for advancing the field of terahertz imaging."

Edward Uhler Condon Award

One employee received the Edward Uhler Condon Award. First presented in 1974, the Condon Award is granted for distinguished achievement in effective written exposition in science or technology.

John M. Butler – "For publication of the 3rd edition of his book, Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing, recognized as the leading text in the field of forensic DNA analysis."

Judson C. French Award

Two employees received Judson C. French Awards. First presented in 2000, the French Award is granted for significant improvement in products delivered directly to industry, including new or improved NIST calibration services, Standard Reference Materials and Standard Reference Databases.

Stephen E. Long and Gerald D. Mitchell – "For the development and dissemination of NIST traceable mercury gas standards for electric utility emissions monitoring."

Jacob Rabinow Applied Research Award

One employee received the Jacob Rabinow Applied Research Award. First presented in 1975, the Rabinow Award is granted for outstanding achievements in the practical application of the results of scientific engineering research.

David J. Ross – "For innovative and prolific contributions to the field of chemical and biochemical analysis based on advances in microfluidics."

Edward Bennett Rosa Award

One employee received the Edward Bennett Rosa Award. Established in 1964, the Rosa Award is granted for outstanding achievement in or contributions to the development of meaningful and significant engineering, scientific or documentary standards either within NIST or in cooperation with other government agencies or private groups.

Kang B. Lee – "For leadership and technical contributions in the development of the IEEE 1588 standard adopted worldwide for precision time synchronization of networked measurement and control systems."

William P. Slichter Award

Five employees received William P. Slichter Awards. First presented in 1992, the Slichter Award is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening ties between NIST and industry.

Dean M. DeLongchamp, Daniel A. Fischer, David J. Gundlach, R. Joseph Kline and Lee J. Richter – "For strong collaborative interactions with industry to develop the measurements needed to accelerate the commercialization of organic electronics."

Samuel Wesley Stratton Award

One employee received the Samuel Wesley Stratton Award. First presented in 1962, the Stratton Award is granted for outstanding scientific or engineering achievements in support of NIST objectives.

Miral M. Dizdar – "For scientific and international leadership in developing measurement methods and standards for DNA damage."

George A. Uriano Award

Eleven employees received George A. Uriano Awards. First presented in 1996, the Uriano Award is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening NIST extramural programs, with emphasis on fostering U.S. competitiveness and business excellence.

Clara C. Asmail – "For outstanding achievement in NIST technology transfer through the development of the NIST Small Business Innovation Research Technology Transfer Program."

Richard W. Bartholomew, Stephen L. Campbell, Mrunal S. Chapekar, Barbara B. Cuthill, Barbara Lambis, Kathleen M. McTigue, Michael A. Schen, Robert T. Sienkiewicz, Terri J. Talbott and Michael D. Walsh – "For demonstrating extraordinary leadership, teamwork and commitment to successfully conceive, build and implement the Technology Innovation Program."

NIST Colleagues' Choice Award

Four employees received NIST Colleagues' Choice Awards. Established in 2006, the Colleagues' Choice Award is granted to non-supervisory employees who are recognized and nominated by their colleagues for having made significant contributions that broadly advance the NIST mission and strategic goals or broadly contribute to the overall health and effectiveness of NIST.

Michael J. Antonishek – "For outstanding contributions to the migration of the NIST email and calendar services to the Microsoft Exchange Messaging Infrastructure."

John T. Elliott, Jr. – "For outstanding problem solving abilities, creativity, broad knowledge, and experience with laboratory techniques."

John W. Hettenhouser – "For technical support and customer service as designer and fabricator of custom instruments used to accomplish NIST's measurement science mission."

David R. Kelley – "For unflinching enthusiasm in ensuring the success of projects within the Metallurgy Division through multiple extraordinary technical contributions."

NIST Director's Award for Excellence in Administration

Two employees received the NIST Director's Award for Excellence in Administration. Established in 2007, the Director's Award is granted to administrative professionals in the ZA career path at NIST who have made significant contributions that broadly advance the NIST mission and strategic goals through excellence in administrative services and functions.

Patrick M. Hovis – "For leadership and exemplary service in financial and organizational management."

Kristy D. Thompson – "For the development of an innovative virtual library supporting the Manufacturing Systems Integration Division and the extended NIST research community."

Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Award

One employee received the Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Award. First presented in 1977, the EEO/Diversity Award is granted for exceptionally significant accomplishments and contributions to equal employment opportunity/diversity goals.

Ronald F. Boisvert – "For leadership and continuous membership on the Information Technology Laboratory Diversity Committee and his commitment to fostering diversity."

NIST Safety Award

Fourteen employees received the NIST Safety Award. First established in 1979, the Safety Award is granted to recognize NIST employees and organizations for substantial contributions to improving safety at NIST.

Andrew J. Slifka – "For incorporating innovative and effective safety features in the design, implementation, and operation of the NIST Boulder Hydrogen Testing Facility."

Daniel C. Dender and Julia K. Scherschligt – "For designing an innovative and robust safety system to monitor and prevent the accidental build-up of dangerous over-pressure conditions in cryostats used nationwide."

Cameron C. Clickner, Christian F. Colburn, Margaret S. Crews, Timothy J. Drapela, Jeffrey R. Guerrieri, Trudi K. Peppler, Jolene D. Splett, David K. Walker, Dawn M. Weller, Grady S. White and Jason A. Widegren – "For outstanding leadership, exemplary teamwork and tireless dedication in dramatically improving safety practices at the NIST Boulder Laboratories."

Gold Medal

Forty employees received Department of Commerce Gold Medals. The Gold Medal, first presented in 1949, is the highest honor award conferred upon an employee of the Department of Commerce. It is bestowed for "distinguished performance characterized by extraordinary, notable or prestigious contributions that impact the mission of the Department of Commerce and/or one operating unit and which reflect favorably on the Department." Awards are given in the following categories: leadership, personal and professional excellence, scientific/engineering achievement, organizational development, customer service, administrative/technical support and heroism.

Thomas R. O'Brian – "For leadership in developing and disseminating the Nation's standard of civilian time, the world's most precise absolute measurement of any kind."

Antonio M. Possolo – "For extraordinary dedication and technical achievements to improve the assessment of coca cultivation for the Office of National Drug Control Policy."

Diane J. Simmons – "For innovative implementation and management of the TV Converter Box Coupon Program, key to the Nation's successful transition to digital television (as a member of an NTIA team)."

Steven W. Brown, George P. Eppeldauer and Keith R. Lykke – "For developing and implementing SIRCUS, the premier facility for calibrating optical sensors used in satellite, astronomy, and ocean measurements."

Roger D. Kilmer, Carroll A. Thomas Martin and Phillip K. Wadsworth – "For innovative customer service delivery through streamlined and coordinated access to government services and solutions for American businesses (as members of a DoC cross-agency team)."

Samuel P. Benz, Charles J. Burroughs, Paul D. Dresselhaus, Thomas L. Nelson and Bryan C. Waltrip – "For dramatically improving the accuracy of the Nation's electric power metrology by creating the world's only quantum-based electric power standard."

Kelley L. Dempsey, Peggy N. Himes, L. Arnold Johnson, Ronald S. Ross, Marianne Swanson and Patricia R. Toth – "For significantly improving U.S. computer security by designing, developing, and disseminating the Risk Management Framework in support of FISMA."

Joannie Chin, Gordon S. Gillerman, James J. Filliben, Amanda L. Forster, Gale A. Holmes, Dennis D. Leber, Kirk D. Rice, Hazel M. Richmond, Michael S. Riley and Nathaniel E. Waters – "For providing the Nation's police enhanced confidence in their ballistic-resistant body armor by revealing and addressing root causes of field failure."

Albert J. Fahey, George A. Klouda, Dale E. Newbury, Nicholas W. Ritchie, John Henry J. Scott, David S. Simons, John A. Small, Barbara B. Thorne, Scott A. Wight and Cynthia J. Zeissler – "For delivery of the measurement science and standards that are the foundation for unequaled U.S. capabilities in support of nuclear non-proliferation."

Silver Medal

Sixteen employees received Department of Commerce Silver Medals. The Silver Medal is the second highest honor awarded by the Department of Commerce. It is bestowed for "exceptional performance characterized by noteworthy or superlative contributions that have a direct and lasting impact within the Department." Awards are given in the following categories: leadership, personal and professional excellence, scientific/engineering achievement, organizational development, customer service, administrative/technical support and heroism. The award was initiated in 1949.

Craig M. Brown – "For critical advances in the understanding of new materials for hydrogen energy storage in next-generation clean automobiles."

Thomas J. Bruno – "For development of a new method for analyzing complex fluid mixtures that facilitates the introduction of new fuels in the U.S. energy infrastructure."

James S. Clark – "For leadership in managing the recovery and restoration of the contaminated Boulder laboratories as a result of the Plutonium Spill Incident."

Alex Folk – "For establishment of the Department of Commerce's Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (as a member of an ITA led cross-agency team)."

Thomas A. Germer – "For advancing the theory and measurement of light scattering as applied to improving the quality and yield of micro- and nanoelectronic devices."

John R. Hayes, Jr. – "For providing leadership of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program and for improving earthquake safety nationwide."

Eite Tiesinga – "For seminal contributions enabling the control of ultra cold atoms for applications in precision measurement, atomic clocks and fundamental science."

Joseph C. Woicik – "For developing a novel, synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy method to accurately measure the site-specific nature of individual chemical bonds."

Lisa J. Carnahan, John J. Garguilo, Mary T. Laamanen, William Majurski, Sandra I. Martinez, Andrew B. McCaffrey, Gavin W. O'Brien and Robert D. Snelick – "For developing the Health IT testing infrastructure, which is critical to achieving the national goal of interoperable electronic health records."

Released December 2, 2010, Updated February 3, 2025