In two Federal Register notices, the Technology Innovation Program (TIP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) asks for public comments on six NIST-prepared white papers outlining potential areas for research grants and, separately, requests detailed suggestions of critical national needs and associated technical needs for future TIP funding competitions.
TIP assists U.S. businesses, universities and other institutions in furthering and accelerating innovation through shared support of high-risk, high-reward research addressing needs and challenges meriting national attention. The call for white papers and public reviews of TIP-developed white papers are part of the process that TIP employs to select appropriate areas for funding. (See "NIST Issues New Call for White Papers on Critical National Needs," NIST Tech Beat, Sept. 8, 2009.)
The six draft white papers that are the subject of the current call for public comments distill topics in five areas of critical national need—water, manufacturing, energy, civil infrastructure, and healthcare—that are under consideration for the upcoming funding competitions. The draft white papers are:
All six of the drafts can be downloaded online. Comments, which will be accepted through Sept. 29, 2011, should be submitted electronically using the automated response feature at the end of each document. The Federal Register notice can be found here:
In the second notice, TIP is seeking white papers to help shape the program's collaborative outreach and future competitions. Suggestions in all areas of critical national need are encouraged. For detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit white papers please refer to A Guide for Preparing and Submitting White Papers to the Technology Innovation Program, available at
Along with other inputs, including Administration priorities and suggestions from stakeholder communities, white papers help TIP shape the scope of future competitions.
Submissions will be reviewed in four batches. Due dates are Nov. 29, 2010; Feb. 15, 2011; May 10, 2011; and July 12, 2011. Send white papers to tipwhitepaper [at] (tipwhitepaper[at]nist[dot]gov) or to NIST, Technology Innovation Program, 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 4750, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-4750.
The TIP call for white papers is available at: