January 2009 - The IEEE 802.21 standard was published on January 21, 2009. This is the final realization of a multi-year project to standardize a media independent handover protocol. The scope of this new standard is to define mechanisms that enable handover optimizations between heterogeneous networks such as IEEE 802 and cellular networks. NIST staff played an important role in the standard development process by providing key technical contributions and quantitative evaluations for several proposals considered by the working group. Furthermore, David Cypher from NIST assumed the role of technical editor of the specifications. NIST continues its efforts towards the development of secure and scalable network mobility services by participating in the IEEE 802.21 security task group and in the Internet Engineering Task Force. The publication of the IEEE 802.21 standard specifications coincides with the final approval of an Internet Engineering Task Force draft co-authored by Nada Golmie from NIST on transporting the IEEE 802.21 information within an IP network. For more information, please visit the Seamless and Secure Mobility project page at http://www.antd.nist.gov/seamlessandsecure.shtml