Forty-five local employees of the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were honored with awards in ceremonies held Dec. 5, 2007. NIST Acting Director James Turner and Acting Deputy Director Richard Kayser presented the awards, assisted by other Institute officials.
The Crittenden Award, established in 1967, recognizes superior achievement by permanent employees who perform supporting services that have a significant impact on technical programs beyond their own offices. The award this year was presented to the following staff members:
For outstanding contributions and professional, proactive approach to the successful contract management of construction projects at NIST.
For outstanding customer service to NIST authors as part of the WERB Secretariat.
For indispensable knowledge and ingenuity in finding better and more efficient ways to accomplish the renovation and maintenance needs of NIST.
For noteworthy customer service, productivity and efficiency in purchasing of goods and services.
For superior technical support in fostering a culture of high quality customer service within NIST.
For superior leadership, professionalism, total dedication and ingenuity in ensuring the integrity of the campus's aging utility systems.
The French award, first presented in 2000, is granted for significant improvement in products delivered directly to industry, including new or improved NIST calibration services, Standard Reference Materials and Standard Reference Databases. The award went to:
Both the members of this group are from the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory. For outstanding leadership in significantly improving delivery of the NIST-ACerS Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database (SRD 31) as an interactive CD-ROM.
All the members of this group are from the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory. For significant improvements in accuracy and extensions of range in the calibration of long length standards.
The Rosa Award, established in 1964, is granted for outstanding achievement in or contributions to the development of meaningful and significant engineering, scientific or documentary standards either within NIST or in cooperation with other government agencies or private groups. The award went to:
All the members of this group are from the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.
For outstanding achievements in development of standards and measurement practices to assure the quality and performance of acoustical devices.
The Slichter Award, first presented in 1992, is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening ties between NIST and industry. The award was presented to:
All the members of this group are from the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory.
For close collaborative interactions with industry to identify materials-related limitations and potential solutions for next-generation photoresists.
All the members of this group are from the Physics Laboratory.
For establishing a firm measurement foundation for EUV reflectometry, optics lifetime characterization, and pulsed radiometry for EUV lithography.
The Uriano Award, first presented in 1996, is granted for outstanding achievements by NIST staff in building or strengthening NIST extramural programs, with emphasis on fostering U.S. competitiveness and business excellence. The award was given to:
For development of a Web-enabled solution allowing secure, customer-focused evaluation of award applications by the Baldrige Board of Examiners.
The NIST Colleagues' Choice Award, first presented in 2006, recognizes non-supervisory employees at NIST who, in the eyes of their colleagues, have made significant contributions that broadly advance the NIST mission and strategic goals or broadly contribute to the overall health and effectiveness of NIST. The recipients of this year's awards were:
For exceptional initiative and collaborative spirit in creating the support system that has enabled the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program to flourish across all of NIST.
For exemplary leadership and championship of the NIST mission in the management of independent evaluation for the DARPA Advanced Soldier Sensor Information System and Technology (ASSIST) and Spoken Language Communication and Translation System for Tactical Use (TRANSTAC) programs.
For dedicated contributions that supported NIST's mission, promoted effective external interactions and enhanced division vitality.
The Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Award, first presented in 1977, is granted for exceptionally significant accomplishments and contributions to Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity goals. The award was given to:
For outstanding service to NIST by organizing the first NIST Diversity Day.