The Biometrics Consortium Conference 2005 will address the latest trends in research, development, testing and application of biometric technologies, especially in the area of homeland security. Slated for Sept. 19-21, 2005, in Arlington, Va., the conference is sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), along with seven other federal, state and non-profit agencies. Topics covered will include advances in biometric technologies such as fingerprinting, iris scans, facial and multimodal biometrics; methods for measuring biometric effectiveness; biometric standards and adoption; countermeasures and spoofing; and societal and political implications. Government programs, large scale implementations, security of biometrics, and biometrics and physical access control will be addressed.
More than 100 speakers will represent the biometrics industry, universities and federal agencies such as NIST, the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. More than 70 organizations also will provide exhibits and information on biometric technology. For more information and to register online, go to [remove link].
Reporters who plan to cover the conference should send an e-mail to Jan Kosko (kosko [at] (kosko[at]nist[dot]gov)) by close of business Wednesday, Sept. 14, and must show credentials (a news media badge with a photo or a photo ID with a business card) to gain admission to the conference.