The National Educator's Workshop (NEW) series builds upon 26 years of annual workshops aimed at promoting science, engineering, and technology secondary and postsecondary education. NEW has provided over 7000 participants with the latest developments in material science and technology while offering strategies for improving teaching techniques. NEW participants have seen over 600 experiments and demonstrations presented live or on videotape and have been provided with supplemental notes for replicating the experiments. Peer review and publication of the experiments and demonstrations have provided the materials education community with current, valuable aids for teaching and research.
The workshop consists of:
The NEW provides participants with the latest topics, strategies, and methods for teaching the broad reach of the materials sciences and technologies. This workshop unites educators at all levels with a materials science focus, offering classroom tested hands-on labs, demos, and workshops to assist instructors directly in their teaching.
In 2011, the Workshop will be held in Greensboro, NC from October 16-18, 2011.
North Carolina A&T, Greensboro, NC
Frank Gayle, Chief (Former), NIST Metallurgy Division will provide a Plenary Session.