The second face-to-face workshop of the full NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group (CPS PWG) will be held on April 7-8, 2015 at the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. This workshop will overview the integrated CPS Framework (currently in preparation) and also launch a CPS roadmapping effort. There will be a mix of plenary session and breakouts focused on specific topics and action plans.
In the first phase of the CPS PWG (August to December 2014), each of the five subgroups (Reference Architecture, Use Cases, Cybersecurity, Timing, and Data Interoperability) successfully created "Framework Element" reports. In the current second phase of the CPS PWG (December 2014 to present), these subgroup reports have been integrated into a draft CPS Framework, and the draft document is currently being reviewed and revised in stages, including an upcoming public comment process to be implemented after the face-to-face April 7-8, 2015 CPS PWG Workshop. The Workshop will also launch a third phase of our activities, a CPS roadmapping effort to identify opportunities to improve the Framework and to identify additional activities needed to address key technical challenges
The April 7-8 workshop will provide an opportunity for the full CPS PWG to review the integrated CPS Framework and assess its potential and applicability to selected CPS domains, and to identify additional gaps and needs. Following this review, the majority of the meeting will focus on CPS roadmapping, focused on identifying additional gaps and needs including build out and improvement of the CPS Framework, and on creating action plans to address key CPS challenges faced by industry, academia and government.
Please see Agenda