The scope of the 2024 Josephson voltage standard workshop is focused on the Josephson arbitrary waveform synthesizer (JAWS) and its applications for ac voltage metrology. The workshop includes presentations, lab demonstrations, and round table discussions. The workshop will be held at the NIST Boulder laboratory on Monday, July 15, and Tuesday, July 16, following Denver’s 2024 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement. The two main themes of the workshop are JAWS implementation/best practices and JAWS applications. The workshop is open to all participants from national metrology institutes and metrology research facilities interested in Josephson voltage standard technology and ac voltage metrology.
*Visitor Access Requirement:
For Non-US Citizens: Please have your valid passport for photo identification.
For US Permanent Residents: Please have your green card for photo identification.
For US Citizens: Please have your state-issued driver's license. Regarding Real-ID requirements, all states are in compliance or have an extension through May 2025.
NIST also accepts other forms of federally issued identification in lieu of a state-issued driver's license, such as a valid passport, passport card, DOD's Common Access Card (CAC), Veterans ID, Federal Agency HSPD-12 IDs, and Military Dependents ID.