The current NIST Handbook 133 test procedure for testing liquid food packages uses a gravimetric method to determine the density of the liquid. Determining the density gravimetrically can be very time-consuming and could result in reduced inspections of liquid packaged products. NIST OWM is collecting test data comparing the density measurements of products using the Portable Digital Density Meter (PDDM) Measurement to the NIST HB 133, Section 3.2, Gravimetric Test Procedure for Non-Viscous Liquids.
In this Info Hour, we will review our findings and discuss possible updates to NIST HB 133. NIST OWM plans to publish a Special Publication (NIST SP 2200) by summer, on the use of PDDMs as an inspection device. Guidance and a determination will be made as to whether these devices can be used as an inspection tool for auditing and/or enforcement. States conducting liquid package inspections will find this info hour useful.
Date: September 18, 2025
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time
OWM Technical Contact: Diane Lee
There is no fee to attend the event, and no certificates will be issued.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures