NIST is pleased to announce the IFPC 2025, which is focused on all technical factors affecting the deployment and use of high performance face recognition applications, including applications, standards, risk management, quality assessment, demographic effects, age estimation and verification, presentation attack detection, morphing, datasets and their preparation, training and tuning, non-cooperative uses, accuracy measurement, and performance tests.
This year, IFPC returns to include a track dedicated to friction ridge recognition applications, including both traditional and forensic friction ridge technical practices. Topics of interest include quality measures, high-throughput/low-complexity fingermark (“latent”) search, standards, unconstrained image feature extraction, palm and non-distal joint applications, weight of evidence/statistical modeling, validation, use of probabilistic approaches, examiner technology resources, and accuracy and performance assessments.
The conference aims to assemble a set of speakers from across the globe involved in face and fingerprint recognition development, procurement, deployment, and operations. The overarching goal is to bring greater maturity to these technologies by improving performance, transparency, and trustworthiness. The organizers welcome proposals for technical or policy presentations focused on any technical factors, problems, and mitigations that influence face and fingerprint recognition operations and applications.
The IFPC 2025 is hosted by NIST in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) and European Association for Biometrics (EAB).
Related Links: IFPC 2022 | IFPC 2020 | IFPC 2018 | NIST FRTE and FATE | NIST FRIF TE