On Friday, March 24 2017, one day after the North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) workgroup meeting, NIST will host a workshop on Advanced Electrical Power System Sensors. The purpose of this workshop is for NIST and the Department of Energy to get input from to industry to help determine research priorities concerning emerging and future sensor, transducer, and transformer technology for use in electrical power transmission and distribution systems.
New classes of electrical power system sensors have been emerging, are in consideration, or have been called for by electrical power system experts. “Electronic Transformers” are protection and measurement class transformers which have a digital output. A “Stand Alone Merging Unit” is a time-synchronized analog to digital converter designed to be connected to the secondary windings of a classical protection or measurement class transformer. These sensors have been emerging in IEC and IEEE standards since 2011. Some electrical power experts have been calling for new sensors, for example distribution system transformers that can measure higher harmonics, sensors that can assist with protection from geomagnetic disturbances, better transformers and sensors for phasor measurement on distribution systems. We are also looking for ideas that we hope will be brought to this workshop by experts such as yourself.
Workshop Objectives
NIST and the DOE’s National Laboratory Partners wish to listen to industry concerns and ideas concerning emerging and future electrical power system sensor, transducer, and transformer technology. Workshop organizers plan to initiate discussion of advanced sensors and evaluate the need for research, standards, and metrology in this area.
Workshop Format
This one-day workshop will include only a few short presentations. The main goal is for facilitated discussion and recommendations for future research. In the afternoon, three facilitated break-out sessions will be held centered on various ideas discussed in the morning. At the end of the day the whole group will get together to present recommendations from the break-out sessions.
Call for ideas:
Please contact alllen.goldstein [at] nist.gov (alllen[dot]goldstein[at]nist[dot]gov) if you have ideas for a short presentation or discussion during this workshop.
If you are not registered, you will not be allowed on site. Registered attendees will receive security and campus instructions prior to the workshop.
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