A few years ago, molecular junctions were suggested to function as active thermoelectric elements, with the idea of using the tunable properties of the molecules, the low dimensionality and hybrid nature of the junctions to enhance thermopower and efficiency. Since the first experimental realizations of single-molecule thermoelectric junctions, numerous theoretical and experimental studies were performed.
I will review the prospect of using molecular junctions as thermoelectric elements, focusing on current state of theoretical efforts and their limitations.
I will try to address the "hot potato"- why are the thermopower and thermoelectric efficiency in molecular junctions so low? - and give two examples suggested in my group for paths for increasing them.
For further information please contact michael.zwolak [at] nist.gov (Michael Zwolak), 301-975-4258.
For further information please contact michael.zwolak [at] nist.gov (Michael Zwolak), 301-975-4258
Department of Chemistry and The Ilse-Kats Center for Nano-Science
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev