This 2 hour webinar is for State Laboratory weights and measures staff to review annual submission requirements for OWM laboratory Recognition.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to submit a complete annual review package to NIST Office of Weights and Measures. This webinar covers the requirements for annual submission to NIST Weights and Measures Division. The session will review the process OWM uses to evaluate each submission and the Scoring Model. The session will use Handbook 143 Table 1 as an outline to review each item that is required:
The Webcast will be streamed in medium bandwidth (350kbs), so viewers needed to have a constant connection during the webcast.
There are no prerequisites for this webinar.
September 24, 2015
Completion includes completing pre-work assignment, and full attendance and participation in the session activities and discussion.
State laboratory staff who have responsibilities for developing, implementing, and/or improving the uncertainty analyses methods and reporting in their laboratory as well as those who are seeking OWM recognition and/or accreditation or improvements to support recognition/accreditation through adding this measurement to their Scope. This webinar is also useful for administrative or management staff who are involved in what gets submitted annually for ongoing recognition of the laboratory.
This webinar is for State weights and measures staff participants only. Registration fees for State weights and measures regulatory officials and metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.
Georgia Harris
Office of Weights and Measures
Phone: (301) 975 - 4014
Email: g.harris [at] (g[dot]harris[at]nist[dot]gov)
NIST / Office of Weights and Measures
Class No. 5355
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 3, 2015