This workshop is designed to assist laboratory staff in fully meeting the criteria of Handbook 143. It is especially useful for new laboratory staff or where previous non conformities have been identified through annual reviews or for newer staff who would benefit from organized/structured training on these topics (versus on-the-job transfer of information from an experienced metrologist to a newer one). Workshop participants will have the opportunity to apply workshop concepts on their own laboratory documents to develop a complete Recognition submission. Preparation for Accreditation will also be covered since the criteria for Recognition and Accreditation are identical.
Training covers calibration procedures published in NISTIR 6969 as well as volume procedures published in in NISTIR 7383. Specific volume transfer procedures include SOP 14, 16, 18, 19, and 21. SOP 14 is a gravimetric volume procedure and builds on the mass procedures SOP 2 and SOP 4 (thus the prerequisite for the Mass Metrology Seminar). This course is suitable for the calibration of volumetric standards for NIST HB 105-2, HB 105-3, HB 105-4, and concepts related to HB 105-7. The entire seminar incorporates statistical analysis, process measurement control methods, uncertainty analyses, traceability assessments, and generation of ISO/IEC 17025 compliant calibration reports for all measurements made during the seminar and builds on the concepts covered in the Fundamentals of Metrology seminar.
State laboratory staff who have responsibilities for developing, implementing, and/or improving the Quality Management System in their laboratory as well as those who are seeking OWM Recognition and/or NVLAP accreditation or iimprovements to support Recognition/Accreditation. This course is NOT available for non weights and measures participants at this time.
A laptop computer with all applicable software for working on the documents is essential. The training laboratory/classroom has access to a printer and copier, but participants must bring or be able to use a USB memory stick for transfering files for printing.
Staff must bring editable copies of laboratory documents from the Quality Management System (Quality Manual, Associated Appendices, Administrative Procedures, and Forms) that they can work on and edit during the workshop. Participants must have authority to edit and save the files along with any associated passwords.
Successful completion requires 100 % attendance and work on the application exercises noted throughout the class.
Registration fees for State weights and measures metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.
NIST Office of Weights and Measures
Class No. 5260
You will need a government-issued photo ID (e.g., passport or driver's license) when you check into the Visitors Center at the entrance of NIST on Monday morning. If you will be driving, please bring your Vehicle Registration card also.
Visitor Information