The objectives of this workshop are to identify gaps and future needs for service life prediction of polymeric materials. Topics will span knowledge of fundamental understanding, needed tool development, implementation of changes to current processes, and linkage to overall goals of development of next generation service life prediction. These focus areas will be illustrated with case studies from several industries highlighting the critical need for service life prediction. These include:
The workshop will begin on noon, Wednesday, October 24th in Gaithersburg MD and finish by noon, Friday October 26th. The schedule will include keynote presentations and break-out discussion sessions, and conclude with a session integrating lessons learned and development of a path forward.
Underwriters Laboratories and NIST
Break. 2:45-3:15
Thursday Morning: Case Studies
Break 10:45-11:15
Lunch 12:15 - 1:30
Thursday Afternoon: Breakout Sessions 1:30- 5:00
Friday Morning:
8:30‐12:00 Integration of Lessons Learned and Path Forward
12:00 Wrap up
Hilton Gaithersburg
620 Perry Parkway
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
(301) 977-8900
Reference: M-LIORCI
Cutoff date: 10/3/2012
Room rate: $226 + tax