The Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems workshop is the only one of its kind dedicated to defining measures and methodologies of evaluating performance of intelligent systems. Started in 2000, the PerMIS series focuses on applications of performance measures to practical problems in commercial, industrial, homeland security, and military applications. It has proved to be an excellent forum for discussions and partnerships, dissemination of ideas, and future collaborations between researchers, graduate students, and practitioners from industry, academia, and government agencies.
The main theme of the ninth iteration of the workshop, PerMIS'09, seeks to address the question: Does performance measurement accelerate the pace of advancement for intelligent systems? In addition to the main theme, as in previous years, the workshop will focus on applications of performance measures to practical problems in commercial, industrial, homeland security, and military applications. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
NIST, DARPA, IEEE Technical Committee on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Robotic and Automation Systems (TC-PEBRAS), IEEE Washington Section Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Chapter, and the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM-SIGART)
PerMIS Program (pdf)
Program at a Glance (pdf)
Digests (pdf)
Final Proceedings (pdf)