In the fourth workshop in a series targeted at defining measures and methodologies of evaluating performance of intelligent systems, we will examine more closely applications of performance measures to practical problems in commercial, industrial, and military applications. In the quest for providing researchers, users, and developers of intelligent systems with meaningful and usable measures and methodologies, we will attempt to draw upon measurement technologies and practices from other disciplines.
Papers and invited sessions are being sought. Topic areas include, but are not limited to
Leveraging Measures from other disciplines:
Code of Best Practice for Experimentation
Testbeds and Competitions for Inter-comparisons
Tools for Facilitating Performance Measures
Evaluating Architectures for Intelligence
NIST, DARPA, IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society in cooperation with IEEE Neural Network Council.
Call for Papers (pdf)
PerMIS 2003 Agenda (pdf)