We currently use a high resolution (0.1 cm-1) Nicolet Nexus 670 that is flexible in both its current iteration and is upgradeable for future needs. The optics are fully optimized and computer controlled for ease of use. Changing spectral range is as easy as removing an optical component and placing the new one into its position. The software automatically updates ranges, sensitivity and parameters. Some of this is sensitive, so for first time users we ask that they approach us for a quick run through, especially if optics are to be switched out. The main components are listed below with the available options. Please see manual.
Window Material | Useful Range cm-1 | Size | Comments |
KBr | 43,500 - 400 | 32 mm x 3 mm (Undrilled Only) | Soluble in water, alcohol and glycerine. Slightly soluble in ethere. Hygroscopic. |
NaCl | 40,000 - 600 | 32 mm x 3 mm (Drilled and Undrilled) | Soluble in water and glycerine. Slightly soluble in ether. |
Quartz | 43,500 - 3000 | 32 mm x 3 mm (Drilled and Undrilled) | Unaffected by most solvents. |
ZnSe | 20,000 - 500 | 32 mm x 3 mm (Drilled and Undrilled) | Insoluble in water. High resistance to chemical attack. Organic solvents, dilute acids and bases have no effect. |
Information on the environment control can be found at the old site.