Zachary Levine
Quantum Measurement Division, NIST
Thursday, May 14, 2020, 3:00–4:00 EST
A video of this talk is available to NIST staff in the Math channel on NISTube, which is accessible from the NIST internal home page.
Abstract: There have been several advances to enable an SI definition for the Hounsfield unit, used in medical imaging, from a recent BTF program. These include the intrinsic dimensionality of the space of images available to x-rays under different tube voltages and how to lower the computational burden of scatter corrections. A rapid algorithm for determining optical scattering parameters, a warm-up problem for tomography, will be presented. Finally, there will be a look ahead at on-going work in diffraction-based microtomography.
Bio: A physics graduate of MIT and the University of Pennsylvania, Zachary Levine joined NIST in 1994 as part of the High Performance Computing and Communications initiative. He joined the Quantum Measurement Division in 2018. At present, he splits his time between Quantum Optics and Microtomography. He is an APS Fellow, and has been awarded 2 Bronze and one Silver Medal.