Forensic Analysis of Human DNA: Advancing Fundamental Technologies from the Crime Lab to the Crime Scene
June 19-24, 2016
Waterville Valley, NH
This conference will provide a unique opportunity for fundamental discussions between user and developer, analyst and scientist, court defenders and data generators, all within a scientific framework defocused from casework scenarios. The diverse perspectives of those in the criminal justice system (lab managers, analysts, prosecutors) and those developing the technology critical to them, will lead to discussions that benefit all, regardless of seniority. These discussions will enlighten us and expand our scope on the utility of the chemistries that currently exist, as well as the areas that need intense focus from the research and development communities, both academic and industrial. The uniqueness of the GRC format, through oral and poster presentations, will assure a discussion experience unlike any available to those in the forensic DNA community with the conferences that exist today.
NIST is a proud sponsor of this event.