We are proud to announce the first ever Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC). The competition is a joint effort between the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) and NIST's Intelligent Systems Division. We are in the process of planning this simulation-based competition which is designed to promote robot agility by utilizing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robot planning. We invite you to become a part of the planning of this first ever competition. Involvement may include but is not limited to:
Competition participants will be using the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robot planning and control to tackle these challenges, which will then be released in the public domain for you to evaluate on your shop floor. We want to ensure that the challenges that they address are truly representative of the challenges you are facing in your company. As such, we ask for your input in helping to define these challenges.
Develop performance metrics, information models, test methods, and protocols to enable manufacturers to assess and assure the agility performance of their robot systems
Craig Schlenoff
craig.schlenoff [at] nist.gov (craig[dot]schlenoff[at]nist[dot]gov)
william.harrison [at] nist.gov (William Harrison)
william.harrison [at] nist.gov (william[dot]harrison[at]nist[dot]gov)
Tony Downs
anthony.downs [at] nist.gov (anthony[dot]downs[at]nist[dot]gov)
100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8230
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8230
Please send an e-mail to william.harrison [at] nist.gov (william[dot]harrison[at]nist[dot]gov) with the following information:
Name, affiliation, e-mail address and area of interest.
Areas of interest: State of the Art Adviser, Technology Transfer Adviser, Contest Information Dissemination, Potential Participant, General Information