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Transfer of $1,880,000 to STRS ITL from the COPS program at DOJ

Transfer of $1,880,000 to STRS ITL from the COPS program at DOJ


9 For activities authorized by the Violent Crime Control
and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 10311
322); the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act
12 of 1968 ("the 1968 Act"); the Violence Against Women
13 and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005
14 (Public Law 109-162); subtitle D of title II of the Home15
land Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), which
16 may include research and development; and the USA PA17
TRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
18 (Public Law 109-177) (including administrative costs),
19 $587,233,000, to remain available until expended: Pro20
vided, That of the funds under this heading, not to exceed
21 $2,575,000 shall be available for the Office of Justice Pro22
grams for reimbursable services associated with programs
23 administered by the Community Oriented Policing Serv24
ices Office: Provided further, That any balances made
25 available through prior year deobligations shall only be
26 available in accordance with section 505 of this Act. Of
1 the amount provided (which shall be by transfer, for pro-
2 grams administered by the Office of Justice Programs)-
3 (1) $25,850,000 is for the matching grant pro-
4 gram for armor vests for law enforcement officers,
5 as authorized by section 2501 of the 1968 Act: Pro-
6 vided, That $1,880,000 is transferred directly to the
7 National Institute of Standards and Technology's
8 Office of Law Enforcement Standards from the
9 Community Oriented Policing Services Office for re-
10 search, testing, and evaluation programs.
Created September 3, 2009, Updated June 2, 2021