NIST, Advancing Innovation, Defining the Future--Visual Transcript (back to video)
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Black screen. The word "Innovation ..." appears in white letters.
Cave painting featuring human and animal figures. A second image depicts a roaring campfire. The word "Illuminates" appears in white letters.
A black and white image of nebula brimming with stars. The word "Inspires" appears in white letters.
A painting depicts Galileo as he instructs the Doge of Venice on the use of a telescope.
A picture of a copy of the Gutenberg bible. Two black and white prints come into view, one depicting a laborer turning the screw of a printing press, the other an engraving depicting printing press inventor Johannes Gutenberg. The word "Communicates" appears in white letters.
Black and white image of a four towers wrapped in lightning. A schematic of Nikola Tesla's AC dynamo and a portrait of Tesla become visible. The word "Energizes" appears in white letters.
Photos of Thomas Edison, a phonograph, a light bulb and a black and white movie of two men boxing. The word "Entertains" appears in white letters.
Painting of men laboring in an industrial revolution era steel mill interspersed with a schematic of a steam engine and a portrait of James Watt. The word "Employs" appears in white letters.
Four schematics of the Wright brother's flying machine. The word "Transports" appears in white letters. A black and white photo of the brothers obscures the two schematics on the right.
A stylized image of an electrical circuit in neon blue. The word "Connects" appears in white letters. A stylized image of an Internet URL reading http://www. appears.
Screen fades to black. A white light flashes. Numerous images emerge: a radar screen, coordinates, interspersed with video of scientists working in their labs and in front of computers. The words "Today's innovation is ...", in white letters, rush in from the background.
The words "LIGHT-SPEED" appear in a flash of light.
"GLOBAL". An image of the Earth taken from space is in the background. More images swim past of scientists adjusting various machine dials, building devices and peering into complex instruments.
"MULTIDISCIPLINARY". Images of an oscilloscope and dials being adjusted move past. "ULTRAPRECISE".
A gloved scientist stands before a table covered with sample trays. A scientist fits a piece to a large machine. "INTERDEPENDENT"
Screen fades to black.
The words "SMART GRID" appear flanked by an image of a researcher aiming an optical detector with "Standards" superimposed and another image of a schematic with "Interoperability" superimposed.
"CYBERSECURITY" flanked by an image of NIST director Patrick Gallagher speaking at the CyberMaryland Summit with "Best Practices" and an image of a keycard being swiped with "Coordination".
"NANOTECHNOLOGY" flanked by an image of stained biological cells spelling out NIST with "Traceability" and an image of a clean gowned worker holding a silicon wafer with a pair of tongs with "Facilities".
"HEALTH CARE IT" flanked by an image of a nurse caring for a newborn with "Trusted Solutions" and an image of people looking at a computer screen with "Integration".
"GREEN BUILDINGS" flanked by an image of two researchers placing a sample into a large black spherical machine with "Enabling Technologies" and an image of solar panels on a roof with "Market Equity".
"SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING" flanked by an image of a worker wearing a hard hat inspecting sheet metal with "Expertise" and an image of a researcher operating a complex, multi-armed machine tool with "Performance Excellence".
"ADVANCED MATERIALS" flanked by an image of a scientist wearing 3-D glasses and interacting with a 3-D graphic of molecules with "Research" and an image of two scientists inspecting a small piece of equipment with "Collaboration".
"QUANTUM INFORMATION" flanked by an image of a scientist building a complex machine with "Measurement" and an image of an intricate computer chip with a white board and gold leads with "Reliability".
The images swirl and the screen goes black. The words "NIST, Advancing Innovation, Defining the Future" appear.