NIST Smart Grid Update e-newsletter
May 2014
World Metrology Day, celebrated annually by more than 80 countries, honors the signing of the Treaty of the Meter on May 20, 1875. This international treaty established a collaborative global framework for the advancement of measurement science. For all of us involved in the smart grid industry, the theme of this year's celebration—"Measurements and the Global Energy Challenge"—is especially apt. Here's what two news organizations had to say about the subject this week:
Happy World Metrology Day! NIST Seeks Public Comment—by May 30—on Draft Framework 3.0 An updated roadmap for the smart grid, NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0, is available through May 30 for public comment. The draft Framework 3.0 document—published in April 15's Federal Register—updates and expands earlier Releases 1.0 and 2.0 (January 2010 and February 2012), outlining plans for modernizing and transforming the nation's aging electric power system into an interoperable smart grid. Important new elements in this revision are an updated reference model of the smart grid, revised guidelines for cybersecurity, advances in testing and certification frameworks, international smart grid activities, and discussion of smart grid research and development needs. NIST staff hosted a public webinar on May 2 to highlight important elements of the updated framework. A PDF version of the slide presentation is now available online. A PDF version of the 255-page document (8 MB) is available online at The link also provides instructions for any individual or organization wishing to comment. Comments must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. EDT on May 30, 2014. NIST will address comments, make appropriate revisions, and publish a final version of Framework 3.0 later this year. May 22 Webinar to Focus on the Role of Testing and Certification in Achieving Smart Grid Interoperability The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) is hosting a public webinar on Thursday, May 22, 1-2 p.m. EDT. This interactive live session—moderated by SGIP's Smart Grid Testing and Certification Committee Chair Dean Prochaska, NIST—will provide insight into the challenges of achieving interoperability and will highlight standards and tools available to help attendees be more sophisticated buyers and users of products that meet the interoperability criteria. Topics to be discussed include the following:
Utilities and manufacturers are invited to have representatives from their organization participate in this webinar. This SGIP webinar is offered at no charge and is open to the public. More details, including registration information, are available on the SGIP website. Smart Grid Advisory Committee to Meet on June 3-4 at NIST-Gaithersburg The Smart Grid Advisory Committee will meet in open session on Tuesday, June 3, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT, and on Wednesday, June 4, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT. The committee, established as a Federal Advisory Committee, provides input to NIST on smart grid standards, priorities, and gaps, as well as the overall direction, status, and health of the smart grid implementation by the smart grid industry. Background information on the committee is available at Individuals and representatives of organizations who would like to offer comments related to the committee's affairs and/or attend the meeting should consult the Federal Register notice published on Friday, May 16, 2014. SmartAmerica Summit Planned for June 11 in Washington, DC The SmartAmerica Challenge is bringing together organizations with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) technology, programs, and testbeds to demonstrate the potential to improve safety, sustainability, efficiency, mobility, and overall quality of life. Cyber-Physical Systems—what some have called an Internet of Things—involve connecting devices and systems in diverse sectors like transportation, energy, manufacturing, and healthcare in fundamentally new ways. The SmartAmerica Challenge aims to accelerate advances in the field by providing a venue for innovators to present concepts for interconnected CPS technology, programs, and testbeds. Two Presidential Innovation Fellows hosted by NIST, Geoff Mulligan and Sokwoo Rhee, have been leading the SmartAmerica effort for the past year. The culmination of this program is the SmartAmerica Summit, to be held on June 11, when 24 teams with over 100 organizations will come together at the Washington, DC Convention Center for a demonstration. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be ongoing demonstrations and speakers covering healthcare, smart energy, transportation, and disaster response. Admission is free, and registration information is available online at