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REMINDER: 8th IDESG Plenary Meeting in Silicon Valley, April 1-3

We cordially invite you to join us at the 8th in-person plenary meeting of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG), hosted by Symantec at their headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., April 1 - April 3.  In-person and virtual participation is free and open to all stakeholders interested in building an environment that ensures transparency, confidence and privacy online in a way that is easy to use and understand for businesses, governments and individuals. Register to attend here. Review the agenda for the April plenary meeting here. Three things stood out during the  last plenary meeting in Atlanta:
  1. The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) pilots are starting to drive the conversation.
  2. Trustmarks matter, and the work being done in some of the NSTIC pilots is helping to drive new concepts for trustmarks forward.
  3. The White House challenge to the IDESG: develop a basic trustmark scheme for the Identity Ecosystem and get backing from a handful of high profile early adopters.
The upcoming April IDESG plenary will further advance progress on these issues and more; stay tuned for more details on what to expect in Mountain View April 1-April 3. Since the IDESG first launched in August 2012, it has willingly taken on the complex and messy challenges of crafting a framework for identity solutions that can replace passwords, allow individuals to prove online that they are who they claim to be, and enhance privacy. Since that first meeting (more about the very first IDESG meeting here), more than 200 organizations and individual members—your colleagues, your partners and perhaps even your competitors—have joined together to help move the Identity Ecosystem Framework forward.  We look forward to you joining us in April.


Thank you I would definitely like to see more in depth updates and information releases to both private and public sectors. Please keep us informed.

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