a NIST blog
We are pleased to announce the next workshop in NIST's ongoing series on privacy engineering and risk management - Privacy Risk Assessment: A Prerequisite for Privacy Risk Management, to be held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on June 5, 2017. Registration is open now!
What is this all about? This workshop builds off the introductory concepts from NIST Internal Report 8062 (An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management in Federal Systems), intended to establish a common baseline to better understand and communicate privacy risks, as well as to enable effective implementation of privacy principles. Participants will discuss the role of privacy risk models, and what specific guidance and tools are needed for organizations to most effectively do privacy risk assessments as a prerequisite to privacy risk management.
Who should be there? This discussion will help NIST develop a body of privacy risk management guidance that aligns with NIST's cybersecurity risk management guidance. As such, system design, security, and privacy engineers, security and privacy officers, and security and privacy subject matter experts should attend this interactive workshop. Public and private sector attendees and academics welcome.
Can't make it? The introductory session will be webcast, and video from the webcast will be archived on the NIST website within a week of the event. Due to the interactive nature of the breakout sessions, they will not be available to remote participants.
Note that feedback is welcome at any time. To provide feedback to NIST on this privacy engineering effort, please send an email to privacyeng [at] nist.gov (privacyeng[at]nist[dot]gov).
What are the details? The workshop will be held on NIST's main campus in Gaithersburg, Md. The current agenda is below - stay tuned for updates on opening session speakers and breakout session topics, which will be updated soon.
Please note: Registration closes on May 29, 2017.