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NSTIC.GOV Gets a Makeover

After three years of work on multiple fronts implementing the NSTIC, we are pleased to announce a new look and feel for our website,  With three rounds of pilot funding, facilitating the launch and operations of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG), and getting the federal government in the game as an early adopter of the Identity Ecosystem with the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange (FCCX), we set out to refresh the existing information and provide readers with easy entry points to important information that reflects where we are today and charts our course ahead.   Here are a few highlights: CONTENT: We have updated content throughout, in particular by adding a new landing page on the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange (FCCX).  The FCCX is an initiative led by the United States Post Office, the General Services Administration – with support from  the NSTIC NPO – that leverages trusted identities to improve security and enhance the privacy of citizen interaction with the federal government.  We’ve also added new content on the core NSTIC guiding principles. NEW FEATURES:  We added new features such as individual pages for each of the NSTIC pilot projects.  This will enable you to follow the progress of each pilot and the collective effort to "catalyze the marketplace” as the pilots tackle barriers to the Identity Ecosystem and seed the marketplace with “NSTIC-aligned” solutions to enhance privacy, security and convenience in online transactions. STREAMLINED NAVIGATION:  We’ve streamlined the structure of the website by adding features such as bottom navigation and sortable databases for news stories, resources, and government announcements, providing easier and faster access to NSTIC information. With twelve NSTIC pilots (and more to come!), this year’s FCCX launch, and the IDESG progressing toward an Identity Ecosystem Framework, the NPO plans to update the page frequently to keep you informed on progress within the government and in the private sectors to help individuals and organizations utilize secure, efficient, easy-to-use and interoperable identity credentials to access online services in a manner that promotes confidence, privacy, choice and innovation. So go ahead, check it out, and check it often!  


Looks pretty slick. I'm happy to see that its now showing the primary principles in a clear defining manner. It's now easier to understand 'what its all about'!

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