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Investor-focused NSTIC Pilot Demonstrates Identity Management is no Longer Just a Cost Center

Websites often struggle with the trade-offs between increased security and user convenience. Many of the NSTIC pilots are confronting this challenge head-on, piloting solutions that demonstrate enhanced security and privacy is not at odds with convenience. ID/Dataweb, through its NSTIC Pilot with Broadridge Financial Solutions, is enabling just this type of solution. A subsidiary of Criterion Systems, ID/Dataweb is allowing customers the convenience of “bring your own identity” without sacrificing security and privacy. Broadridge is a leading provider of investor communications – if you own a stock or mutual fund, odds are that the mail your brokerage sends you is sent through a service run by Broadridge. Given all the Americans who have brokerage accounts, that’s a lot of paper, and it costs a lot of money – about $3 billion each year. Digital delivery could save dollars and trees; however, because brokerage services are regulated, digital delivery is difficult without a robust identity solution that can bind email addresses to real identities. ID/Dataweb, as part of its NSTIC pilot, has successfully deployed an Attribute Exchange Network (AXN) that brings together multiple identity providers such as Google, Verizon, Symantec, AOL, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, and attribute providers including LexisNexis, Experian, Equifax, and PacificEast. The AXN platform enables a user-centric experience, allowing users to choose from multiple identity providers while permitting them to manage their attributes both during the authentication flow and via a user managed console. Using ID Dataweb’s (IDW) AXN, Broadridge customers are now able to access digital content delivered via their Kindle or other mobile device, without having to create a new account or get a new credential. Furthermore, this provides Broadridge with the ability to verify the identity of the customer before granting access to sensitive documents, such as investment account financial statements and phone bills. Going forward, the pilot operations are transitioning to Inlet, a new joint venture launched by Broadridge and Pitney Bowes to accelerate the delivery of digital content in financial services. The ID/Dataweb solution provides the crucial identity layer necessary to enable these services to be delivered online. ID/Dataweb is not working only with Broadridge in the financial sector, but across several sectors. One example is a partnership with DHS, enabling first responder access to an online incident response platform (the Next-Generation Incident Command System). In another area, ID/Dataweb is piloting the AXN with a Fortune 100 company to test enterprise, partner, and consumer access using third party credentials and verified attributes to support real time access decisions. By shifting digital efforts to consumer-focused approaches, ID/Dataweb is demonstrating how NSTIC-aligned identity systems are creating value for consumers and companies alike.


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