NIST researcher June Lau with a transmission electron microscope (TEM) that she and her colleagues retrofitted in order to make high-quality atom-scale movies.
June Lau of NIST, Yimea Zhu of Brookhaven National Lab, and Chunguang Jing, Eric Montgomery, Yubin Zhao, Wade Rush, Ao Liu, and Ilya Ponomarev of Euclid Labs are recognized for a relatively inexpensive pulsing device that converts an existing transmission electron microscope (TEM) into an ultrafast time-resolved TEM (UTEM). The electron beam produced in a conventional TEM is continuous (dc), so imaging and diffraction are accomplished in a static time-integrated manner. Now it is possible to unite the time domain with the spatial domain to create four-dimensional electron microscopy.
Compared to a time-resolved TEM relying on a sophisticated and expensive pump-probe femtosecond laser system, no laser is required. In addition, the RF pulser technology allows extended ranges of repetition rates and duty cycle tunability, which are not achievable in a laser-based UTEM. Compared to existing commercial systems, a lower price and retrofit compatibility make UTEM affordable for a broader scientific community.