Fiber optic cable forms the backbone of the U.S. internet. Optical Fiber Power is the most basic measurement for qualifying the performance of the U.S. internet infrastructure and underlying components. Mr. Vayshenker is the Calibration Leader of the NIST Optical Fiber Power Laboratory. Mr. Vayshenker has exemplified sustained excellence in customer service and commitment to high quality calibration services over a 20 year period. Since NIST began tracking calibration customer metrics in 1992, Mr. Vayshenker has been personally responsible for the completion of over 2700 calibration tests, or one test every business day on average, with a 96% on-time completion rate, resulting in over $2.7M in revenue for the federal government. Mr. Vayshenker's technical expertise in high quality optical fiber power measurements is sought out by companies around the world. Mr. Vayshenker's calibration services directly support the NIST mission to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness through critical measurement solutions for both the commercial broadband communication sector and other government agencies that rely on broadband communication technologies.