Adam J. (AJ) Fleisher of MML's Gas Sensing Metrology Group has been awarded the Ivan P. Kaminow Young Professional Prize by the Optical Society of America (OSA).
During the past year, AJ was heavily involved in several high-profile OSA activities, including the planning and organization of an OSA Incubator Meeting on Precision Measurements in Air Quality & Turbulence, as well as participation in the CLEO Science & Innovations Active Optical Sensing sub-committee and the Fourier Transform Spectroscopy organizing committee. He also reviewed numerous papers for premier OSA journals and conferences, and volunteered as a judge at local science fairs. AJ and his colleagues have also recently published papers in Optics Letters and Optics Express, and given contributed and/or invited talks at CLEO, FiO, FTS, and LACSEA conferences. His research involves the development of advanced optical sensing techniques using optical frequency combs, quantum-cascade lasers, and high-finesse optical resonators. Seminal experiments at NIST include the application of electro-optic modulator combs for dual-comb spectroscopy (Opt. Lett. 39, 2688 and Opt. Express 24, 10424). Prior to joining NIST, AJ was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate at JILA under the supervision of Dr. Jun Ye. While there, he and his colleagues demonstrated time-resolved frequency comb spectroscopy to probe fundamental chemical reaction kinetics (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 2241). He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh in 2011 while working under Dr. David Pratt, and completed his undergraduate studies at Elizabethtown College in 2007.
Click for more information about Adam J. (AJ) Fleisher