We are pleased to announce the Symposium's Keynote Speakers
Tuesday, July 21
Brandon Mayfield, Law Offices of Brandon Mayfield
Steve Wax, Legal Director, Innocence Project Oregon
We are pleased to announce the Symposium's Plenary Speakers
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Gillian Tully - Forensic Science Regulator, UK Home Office, UK
Title: "Learning from Errors"
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Scott Shappell - Chair, Department of Human Factors and Systems - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Title: "The Impact of Shiftwork and Fatigue on Performance"
Itiel Dror - Sr. Cognitive Neuroscience Researcher - University College London, UK
Title: "Cognitive Sources of Error and Ways to Minimize Them"
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Alastair Ross - Director, National Institute of Forensic Science - Australia-New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA), Australia
Title: "The Source of Errors: systems, policy and practice"
Bryan Found - Chief Forensic Scientist - Victoria Police Forensic Services Department, Australia
Title: "To Err Was Forbidden: The Changing Culture of Error Explanation in Forensic Pattern Evidence"
Ralph Kleuskens - Manager - Quality and Process Management, Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), The Netherlands
Title: "Quality Improvement Through Incident and Error Management"
Friday, July 24, 2015
William Thompson - Department of Criminology, Law & Society - University of California-Irvine, USA
Title: "What is the Proper Evidentiary Basis for a Forensic Science Opinion?"
Lynn Robitaille Garcia - General Counsel - Texas Forensic Science Commission, USA
Title: "The Importance of Trust and Collaboration in Tackling Forensic Problems: Lessons from the Lone Star State"