Friday, August 4, 2006
2:00 pm EDT
Allan Eustis, Sharon Laskowski, David Flater, John Cugini, Alexis Scott-Morrison,
Whitney Quesenbery, Jim Elekes, David Baquis, Philip Pearce-(Access
Board Nominee), Tricia Mason-(Access Board Nominee), Adam Ambrogi-(EAC),
Commissioner, Donetta Davidson-(EAC), Wendy Havens
TGDC and EAC updates, Allan Eustis
Summary of the August, 1st USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting workshop,
Sharon Laskowski
Status report on new VVSG 2007 HFP draft progress, John Cugini
Other progress and items, Sharon Laskowski
commenced at 2:04 pm EDT
of Dr. Jeffrey's testimony on the web page; See: <http://vote.nist.gov/jeffrey_science20060719.pdf>.
Also archived web cast of entire hearing is available for viewing at:
Voting Technology 2006 (EVT'06) Workshop, Vancouver:
discussion and her presentation on usability, Making Ballot Language
Understandable to Voters; Co-author Ginny Redish was in attendance along
with Sharon Laskowski for the August 1st workshop. (Her presentation
slides are available for review at: http://vote.nist.gov/EVT06understandable.pdf.)
The paper:
- discussed
importance of clear ballot language in the voting process
- noted complex
issues re language, whether working with electronic or paper ballots;
understanding of the instructions is critical to "voting success",
Considering the complexity of usability issues voters might (themselves)
- Twenty seven
recommended guidelines discussed via examples
- better "best
practices" should be in place; context within the instructions;
recognizing the relevance a voter puts on visual and/or audible
- other papers
delivered at USENIX also discussed- proximity errors with DREs.
There were security related papers as well.
Report on new HFP draft progress:
on rough draft of the next VVSG (2007) HFP sections. Currently heavily
annotated ; presentation and HFP discussions were on various guideline
issues, which included definition of what cognitive disability would
mean in a broad sense; also discussion of "human readable"
versus bar codes (not readable); other topics included usability and
its limitations; general situations which include but not limited to:
audio vs. video
b) print size for legibility purposes
c) instructions and how "user friendly" they should be
d) if color and graphics would be useful
early draft of HFP guidelines for 2007 will be sent around in August
to HFP for review and initial comment.
- Discussion
of Common Industry Format (CIF) in 2005 VVSG as a heads up to vendors
to present data this way.
- NIST monthly
meeting with the EAC: brought up matter of seeking clarity from
EAC on sub committee work to avoid future guideline ambiguities.
- SL discussed
response time for voting machines and vendor input. (White paper
sent out to sub committee earlier); time for notification: between
call for action and voter response, standards in IEEE P1583; 3 seconds,
3-10 seconds (alert action) , greater than 10 seconds. (JC suggested
one second response time for VVSG 2007.
- Usability
bench mark testing progress: We are two to four weeks away from
OMB survey approval.
- SL noted that
an RFP for ballot language research will be out in a week.
- SL coordinated
with Adam Ambrogi of EAC. She will meet with two AIGA representatives
next week to discuss, among other issues, usability methodology;
AM noted that Nebraska is also working with AIGA on ballot design.
- WQ and DD
discussed University of Utah study and voter perception versus error
analysis of observational data. JC noted that you may find error
rates higher than expected.
HFP meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th at 11:00 AM EST
Adjourned at 2:45 pm EDT.