Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Participants: John Wack, Sharon Laskowski, Whitney Quesenbery, John Cugini, Alexia Scott-Morrison, Jim Elekes, Wendy Havens Agenda: 0. TGDC
and EAC updates from; John Wack. 1. Attending
the ICDR Cognitive Technology Conference in Washington, DC 2. Status
reports on NIST work; Sharon Laskowski and John Cugini 4. Update
from Jim Elekes; Access Board reappointment letters have been sent out
as to
JW- Dr. William Jeffrey's testimony today at 2:00 pm. It will be Web cast (http://boss.streamos.com/real/science/sci06/071906.smi). (Testimony available at: http://vote.nist.gov/jeffrey_science20060719.pdf) JW noted that voting security "solutions" need to be usable. SL: EAC monthly meeting with NIST upcoming; suggestions to JW on some issues to mention. JW will contact SL. WQ: Noted that she has been named as a usability representative to the Access Board's 508 refresh committee. Cognitive Technology Conference Review:
NIST Status Report: JC-reviews what he has been working on for NIST (see: http://vote.nist.gov/TGDC/cuginihfp/homepage.html) Future deliverables for mid August time frame include:
SL: Just received human studies "exemption" waiver and should be able to begin benchmark usability testing research; (Still finalizing Paper Work Reduction Act approval). SL-update on ITAA vendor feed-back about voting response time. SL is interacting with representative who is knowledgeable in IEEE P 1583 process. 3 seconds response time discussed for required action completion and inclusion of a feedback icon at that time. WQ; discussion of levels of interaction and need for immediate response JE-hoping all members read the article he sent around; informative information about his use of the Kursweil/NFB reader; other issues that address "memory cards", document identification and other technologies on the horizon. Next scheduled meeting: Friday, August, 4th @ 2:00 PM EST
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