AU - Barsan, Mirela
AU - Butler, Ian
AU - Gilson, Denis
AU - Moyer, Jr.
AU - Zhou, Wei
AU - Wu, Hui
AU - Udovic, Terrence
C2 - Journal of Physical Chemistry A
DA - 2012-02-22 00:02:00
LA - en
M1 - 116
PB - Journal of Physical Chemistry A
PY - 2012
TI - Raman, FTIR, Photoacoustic-Infrared, and Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra of Ternary Metal Hydride Salts A2MH5, (A=Ca, Sr, Eu; Ir, Rh) and Their Deuterides
UR - https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=910196
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