@article{931691, author = {Weigang Zhu and Subhrangsu Mukherjee and Joaquin Alzola and Vinod Sangwan and Samuel Amsterdam and Steven Swick and Leighton Jones and Michael Heiber and Guoping Li and Kevin Kohlstedt and Charlotte Stern and Dean DeLongchamp and Mark Hersam and George Schatz and Michael Wasielewski and Antonio Facchetti and Andrew Herzing and Lin Chen and Tobin Marks}, title = {Crystallography, Morphology, Electronic Structure, and Transport in Non-Fullerene/Non-Indacenodithienothiophene Polymer:Y6 Solar Cells}, year = {2020}, month = {2020-07-22 04:07:00}, publisher = {Journal of American Chemical Society}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.0c05560}, language = {en}, }