@article{918256, author = {Kristian Hajny and Cody Floerchinger and Israel Lopez Coto and Joseph Pitt and Conor Gately and Kevin Gurney and Lucy Hutyra and Thilina Jayarathne and Robert Kaeser and Geoffrey Roest and Maryann Sargent and Brian Stirm and jay Tomlin and Alexander Turner and Paul Shepson and Steven Wofsy}, title = {A spatially explicit inventory scaling approach to estimate urban CO2 emissions}, year = {2022}, month = {2022-06-28 04:06:00}, publisher = {Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=932510}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00121}, language = {en}, }