@article{914611, author = {Jizhao Zang and C. SHIRPURKAR and K.Y. YANG and David Carlson and Su-peng Yu and Erwan Lucas and S.V. PERICHERLA and J. Yang and M. GUIDRY and D. LUKIN and L. TRASK and F. AFLATOUNI and J. VUˇC KOVI´C and Scott Papp and P.J. DELFYETT}, title = {Photonic crystal resonators for inverse-designed multi-dimensional optical interconnects}, year = {2022}, month = {2022-06-09 04:06:00}, publisher = {Optics Letters}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=934710}, language = {en}, }