author = {H. Silverstein and K. Fritsch and F. Flicker and A. Hallas and Jason Gardner and Yiming Qiu and G. Ehlers and A. Savici and Z. Yamani and K. Ross and B. Gaulin and M. Gingras and J. Paddison and K. Foyevtsova and R. Valenti and F. Hawthorne and C. Wiebe and H. Zhou},
title = {Liquidlike Correlations in Single-Crystalline Y2Mo2O7: An Unconventional Spin Glass},
year = {2014},
number = {89},
month = {2014-02-27 00:02:00},
publisher = {Physical Review B},
url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=912079},
language = {en},