@article{827046, author = {W-T Lee and X Tong and J. Pierce and M. Fleenor and A. Ismaili and JL Robertson and Wangchun Chen and Thomas Gentile and A. Hailemariam and R Goyette and A. Parizzi and V Lauter and F. Klose and H. Kaiser and C. Lavelle and DV Baxter and G Jones and J. Wexler and L. McCollum}, title = {In-situ Polarized He3-Based Neutron Polarization Analyzer for SNS Magnetism Reflectometer}, year = {2011}, month = {2011-01-31 00:01:00}, publisher = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=903159}, language = {en}, }