@article{823666, author = {Iain McCulloch and Martin Heeney and Michael Chabinyc and Dean DeLongchamp and Regis Kline and Michael Colle and Warren Duffy and Daniel Fischer and David Gundlach and Behrang Hamadani and Rick Hamilton and Lee Richter and Alberto Salleo and Martin Shkunov and David Sparrowe and Steve Tierney and Weimin Zhang}, title = {Semiconducting Thienothiophene Copolymers: Design, Synthesis, Morphology and Performance in Thin Film Organic Transistors}, year = {2009}, number = {21}, month = {2009-03-01 00:03:00}, publisher = {Advanced Materials}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=854123}, language = {en}, }